Each Year the Society normally holds a public show & two auctions. The show takes place on the first Sunday in October and an auction is held with it. The other “Spring” auction is traditionally held on the second Sunday in March.

Generally the show and auctions are the biggest events of the year. The show is open to all who wish to enter and the public is invited to view the show free of charge. A fee is usually charged for entries and the top three in each class are presented with awards. A show typically consists of 30 to 35 classes.

The show provides our members and the members of other clubs an opportunity for friendly competition and a chance to display their best specimens. For the club as a whole the show is a chance to promote the hobby. All the work needed to put on the show is done by club volunteers and everyone is encouraged to participate.

The auctions are the clubs main fund-raising events & raises money for the general operation of the club. Anyone, club member or not may buy & sell at these two auctions. (ONLY HDAS MEMBERS MAY SELL ITEMS AT THE MONTHLY AUCTIONS). As well as raising money for the club these auctions provide an opportunity to sell un-needed equipment and fish you have bred. One may also find unusual fish offered for sale at these auctions since hobbyists often raise species that the pet shops usually do not carry.

Monthly Auction

Part of each club meeting is set aside for an auction at which members may buy and sell surplus fish, plants and equipment.

The rules applying to the auction are as follows:

1) Only currently paid up members may sell items in the auction

2) Items offered for auction must relate to the hobby.

3) The owner accepts all responsibility for his/her auction items and any problems arising from there sale.

4) The owner will receive two thirds of the selling price while H&DAS will retain one third.

5) A form (avail at the meeting) listing the items must be filled out by the owner.

6) All items must be properly packaged and described.

7) H&DAS reserves the right to refuse items deemed undesirable.

Semi-Annual Auction
Refer to ‘Owners (Sellers) Sheet’ in ‘.pdf format. Print as many sheets as you require.

Refer to ‘Auction Rules‘ in .pdf format. Rules are strictly adhered to at every semi-annual auction.