H&DAS Membership Information

Why should you become an H&DAS member??

Hamilton & District Aquarium Society is a community organization that is dedicated to promoting and encouraging the study, exhibition, and spawning of all forms of aquatic life. The Society also promotes fellowship between our members, other aquarium societies and the general public. H&DAS is also one of the largest & oldest aquarium clubs in Canada. Our club has been around since the 1950’s without interruption and is still going strong.

Still not convinced? How about these great bonuses.

  • Friendly monthly  meetings to talk to like minded people about a great hobby.
  • Network, get to know the people in your area that can help you with your hobby.
  • Guest speakers, slide programs, videos, and workshops
  • Monthly mini-auctions
  • Fall Auction
  • Spring Show & Auction
  • Field Trips & Aquarium Store Tours
  • Discounts at several local aquarium and pet shops
Membership Types
Family (One Address) $25.00
Single $20.00
Junior $12.00

So come out & join the Hamilton & District Aquarium Society

There are currently two ways to become a member of H&DAS:

1.You can download our Membership Form in PDF and then bring it with you to one of our monthly meetings so you can see for yourself all the great reasons to join.  Download membership form HERE

2. We have even gone one step further to make it easier for you to become a member or renew a current membership. You can now pay your membership fees safely & securely online through Paypal. Sorry no online purchase for Junior Members. 

Payment can be sent to treasurerhdas@hdas.ca. Please follow with an email to the same address including your full name and address.