1. The monthly jar show will consist of TWO separate classes:
Classes will be posted on the HDAS website at the start of Sept and run until June of each club year.

2. All persons entering the monthly jar showmust be a member of the club.
(a) Standard C.A.O.A.C. approved 1 gallon show tanks should be used but square-faced jars will be accepted.
(b) Beanie baby containers are permitted for Bettas and Guppies. No round jars are permitted. If fish is too large, an aquarium of up to 20 gallons may be used.

3. The jar show chairperson will have complete control of all entries disqualifying sick or injured fish etc.

4. No plants, gravel, ornamentation, artificial colouring or medication of any kind will be allowed.
(a) Members may enter a total of three entries per class ,each month.

5. A show tag will be completed for each entry.

6. All entries for the jar show must be single fish only.

7. The decision of the judge/s is final. Judges will be available for comment at the close of the meeting.

8. Entries must be registered or they will not be judged

9. All entries shall be owned and maintained by the entrant for a minimum of thirty days before entry.


To play the game fairly, we suggest that you show any given fish once during the club season, otherwise it could call for a disqualification at the discretion of the Jar Show Chair.


Ribbons and gift cards will be awarded monthly to each entry placing 1st. 2nd. And 3rd. in each class during the club season Points will be awarded monthly and accumulated for the show year, (September to June), based on the following point system:

1st. in each class 5 points, $30 gift card
2nd in each class 3 points, $20 gift card
3rd in each class 1 points, $10 gift card


High Points …….. Trophy and gift card



September Tetras/Corydoras
October Danios/Labyrinth Fishes (non-Betta)
November Shrimps/Barbs
December Swordtails/Minnows
January Rainbowfish/Dwarf Cichlids
February Characins/Plants
March Guppies/Catfish/AOV
April Invertebrates/Platies/AOV
May Killifish/Betta splendens/AOV
June Awards