Presidents message for March 2014

March is here and Spring is on it’s way. Winter is almost over and I am really looking forward to Spring and Spring babies.
It doesn’t look and feel like it right now but soon we will be taking of the layers and getting our gardens ready .

I want to thank Jessica Bullock for her very informative presentation last month .
A Planted Tank Primer…I know I picked up a few tips for my planted tanks.

March is going to be a busy month . Spring auction time is only a few weeks away.
Our Spring Show and Auction will be on Saturday March 22 at the Waterdown Legion Hall.
The doors will be open at 8am, and the auction starts at 10am. We are looking forward a good turn out and seeing all your fish in the show.
I know that I am looking at my fish and wondering which ones will be going to the show.

I am really looking forward to our March meeting and speaker.
Our speaker will be Ron Bishop and he will be talking about the “Gizmos and Gadgets” that we use in this wonderful hobby of ours.
See you there!!!