Hello Everyone!

So they say that April Showers bring May flowers. I say, “Bring it On”. I can’t wait to get my yard cleaned up and my pond up and running. I look forward to seeing my waterfall running. All my fish looked like they were doing ok when I checked it out last week. Then we got another snow fall. I have some ideas for finishing off the pond area and I wonder just how it will all turn out. I’m going to put my pond on our 4th Annual Pond Tour so perhaps you can come and see how it all ends up. I’m working on the finishing touches. I think everyone likes to make a few changes each year. If you have a pond and would like to have it on the tour, please let me know. The date is Sunday, July 10th. We will follow the day up with a BBQ. If you would like to come on the Tour, get some ideas for a pond you are interested in building – just let me know. Everyone is welcome.

We are also planning a bus trip to the trip to the Toronto Zoo for Sunday, June 10. It’s not too late to sign up. The sign up sheet will be available at the meeting.

Have you looked into going to the CAOAC Convention. It’s being held in Brantford at the Best Western hotel on the long weekend in May (20, 21, 22, 23). The auction is on the Monday. For more information, please check out the Brantford website. It’s a great weekend to spend with others that enjoy our hobby. The fish term for us people is “Fishaholics”.

The program this month is the yearly “Home Show”. I understand that there are several entries. The kids really got into this too. I can’t wait to see how the pictures turned out. Who will win the “Peoples Choice Award”. We also have Klaus Steinhaus helping out our new C.A.R.E.S. representative Karen making a presentation. We all have many fish that are represented on the C.A.R.E.S. program. Come and get the information so you can help make a difference.
I was asked to represent the HDAS club at the 2nd Annual Hospice Pond Tour the weekend of July 9 and 10. The tour will be show casing ponds in Grimsby, Hamilton, Burlington and Brantford. I will get more information up on our website about this tour shortly. The cost of a weekend passport to this Pond Tour is $25.

I hope to see you all at the meeting on Thurs. April 14.
