Hi Everyone!

I’d like to thank the executive for standing up again for another year. It’s great to see such great spirit within this group and we all hope that we are helping the HDAS be its best. If there is anything we can do to bring fish related info to you, please let us know. I’d like to thank Margaret and Joe for their fantastic jobs showing us all how to make fish food. It was very informative – especially for those of us that don’t go to such great lengths to make food. It sure is a cheaper way to spoil our fish. Thanks again Margaret and Joe. Our presentation this month is about “Plants”. Jim Robinson will the presenter. His presentation will focus on the optimum conditions for plant growth. Our April program will be about “Salt Water” We still have room for you to sign up for the “Home Show”. Does your tank have that winning something that everyone in the crowd will vote this years “Peoples Choice”? You won’t know unless you enter the Show. Please make sure we have your information at the meeting.

See you there…….. Carla