Hi Everyone!!!
I’d like to thank Jesssica for her presentation last month on Fish Health and Medications.  Great job Jessica.  The presentation for November is on Larry Johnson’s recent trip to Lake Malawi “swimming with the cichlids”.  I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing about his trip.  Our December meeting will be dedicated to Christmas.  Noel will be setting up a Fish related game for us to enjoy, pizza and wings, bring a desert to share if you will.  Sarah L is setting up a Fishy Draw table.  Please let Sarah know if you have a donation for her table.  These donations do not need to be about fish.  Tickets will be sold for the draw table.  We ask that everyone please bring a non parishable food donation.  All proceeds from the evening will be going to the Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive. Christmas is such a great time to give.  
Please consider helping out the club and joining the executive.  We have an executive meeting on the Third Thursday of each month.  Everyone is welcome to come out to our meetings.  Come give some of your expertise to our club. The annual election of the executive will take place at the January meeting. All nominations must be presented to the members of the club by our December meeting.  Let me know if your interested.  
See you at the meeting!