Hi Everyone!
I hope you’ve all had a great summer. I hope there is still more summer to come but as I’m on holidays in the Napanee/Kingston area, I’m noticing the changing of the weather. Fall is in the air and the leaves are gently turning.
I’ve had a great summer. My ponds did really well. My lillies are huge and have had many blooms. There are many baby fish and they grow larger by the day.
Our first meeting this season is on Thurs. Sept 8. I hope you can all make it. The Fall Auction and Show is on Sun. Oct 2. Get your fish ready for the Show. Its a cash payout so you could make lots of money. This auction will be a cash auction. You pay as you buy. Its less trouble for everyone when cashing out. If you can help the club out by running, doing up chits, anything at all please let me know.
I’d like to see us all participating in the CARES program. Please see Karen to register your fish. We will also be signing up for the fish growing contest at the Sept meeting.
I hope to see you all at the there.