Hi Everyone!!!
I just can’t believe that its already September. Where did this absolutely beautiful summer go. I know I spent most of mine at work where it was hot, hot, hot. I also spent some time in my yard where my ponds did me proud. I really love the feeling of peace in my yard. The 12 shubumkins I put in my pond last year absolutely flourished. I must have at least 150 fish now. Its been really great watching everything grow and bloom. I also got a beautiful lotus from a friend and it did really well. I will be sad to see this season end and hope that everything comes back next year.
Welcome to a new season with the HDAS. Our September speaker is Peter DeSouza and he is going to be speaking to us about Killie Fish. I’m so looking forward to this presentation. You have all seen his beautiful fish during our monthly auctions. It will be so nice to find out some of the secrets of raising Killies.
Our Fall Auction is on Saturday September 22. It is at the Legion in Waterdown. I keep telling everyone about how many people it takes to run an auction. (min 25) This statement hasn’t changed. We need runners, chit writers, computer help, hall set up, hall break down, donation person, kitchen help, auctioneers, table organizers, etc, etc. We are also offering vendor tables to local fish related businesses. I hate to beg but if you can help out for a few hours – we could really use the help.
There are many other auctions happening this fall as well. Sarnia – Sept 15. Toronto Reptile Breeders Expo – Sept 15, 16. Sept 30 – London. Oct 21 – St Catherines. Oct 28 – Kitchener. Nov 4 – Peel.
The October program is being presented by our own Jessica Bullock on fish medications. Another interesting and informative speaker. If you have any requests for programs please let Joe B know and he will do his best to arrange it.
I hope to see you all at our first meeting of the season Thurs Sept 13 @ 7:30.