Hi everybody!
March was a busy month! We had Ken Boorman at our monthly meeting speaking on rainbowfish and blue-eyes. I’d like to thank Ken for coming and sharing his knowledge and love for fish that can shine every colour of the rainbow – it had me thinking about putting rainbowfish in the pond for the summer!

The H&DAS Spring Show & Auction was on the 21st and it was a great success! It was standing room only at times, and the bidding got very exciting! I hope you all won the bid on the fish you wanted to take home.

The show was great! All of the entries were great representatives of their species and it was hard for the judges to pick the winners. Congratulations to all who entered in the show. I want to thank all of our sponsors who generously donated to the event and congrats goes to Udo and John, our aquarium kit raffle winners. Most of all, I’d like to thank all of the people who gave their time to help at the event – you made it possible for the show and auction to be a success!

Our Home Show judges and photographer were out visiting members in their homes during March, viewing their tanks to judge and share with the club. I hear they all had amazing tanks and can’t wait to see them during April’l program! Come on out to the meeting and vote for your favourite!

See you at the meeting,