Hi everybody!
June is here already and it is almost time for our summer break, but that doesn’t mean that things just stop until September! We have a few things planned for the summer months.

At our June club meeting we will be having James Taylor speaking on collecting fish in Uruguay, South America. I’m sure his talk will be full of interesting adventures.

And don’t forget our Jar Show this month! There will be three classes open for members: fish, plants, and invertebrates. Be sure to use a containers with at least one flat side for optimal viewing. It will be people’s choice for the judging, so even if you don’t enter be sure to cast your ballot! Consider bringing an entry or two… you just might win a cash prize.

We are also planning a bit of a pond tour and summer barbeque for our members. We plan on visiting a few ponds during the day followed by a potluck barbeque at Carla’s house. It should be a good day to see the ponds at their best. More details will be available at the June meeting. Come out, the more the merrier!

Enjoy your summer break!!!