Hi everyone!

Wow! What’s with this weather. I suppose it’s a break for the grass so it can green up again.
Big thank you to Jeff Mountjoy for coming out to our last meeting and talking to us about “feeding our fish”. Our presenter for June 9 is Rob Vanderlock from Crackers Corals. He will be presenting a Marine Talk – introduction to historical reef keeping and modern reef keeping. I’m sure this will be a fantastic program. I’d love to have a reef tank.
Also a big thank you to London Aquarium Society for hosting the CAOAC convention May 20 to 22. Fantastic presenters and awesome weekend.
HDAS will be the hosts of the 2017 CAOAC Convention at the Burlington Holiday Inn. We are excited to announce our speaker line up.  Ian Fuller, Eric Bodrock,  Regina Spotti and Lawrence Kent will be our presenters. If you have any suggestions for the convention please bring them to the attention of an executive member.
See you tomorrow everyone.
