Hi Everyone,

I’d like to thank Jessica Bullock for her fascinating program “From the literature to the lab; adventures in cichlid research”. Our June speaker will be Randy Seufert. Randy’s program “The Little Catfish” looks at the 4 families of small catfish with hints of how to sex, breed, and raise them.
If you can’t attending our meeting in person please email us by 6pm on Thursday, June 8th at info@hdas.ca for a link to the zoom meeting.

Our Fall Auction will be on Saturday, October 14th at the Waterdown Legion. We will have room for 6 vendor’s tables. The cost will be $35 per table. Please let me know if you’re interested.

The Annual CAOAC Convention will be held with Pet Expo at the Toronto International Center, 6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga – Saturday, September 16 and Sunday, September 17.
* Hotel Info – we have blocked off some rooms at a discounted rate at the Monte Carlo Inn, 45 Coventry Rd, Brampton. This is 10 minutes to the Pet Expo. Tickets can be purchased thru the CAOAC.ca for a discounted price.

*CAOAC Banquet on Sat night at the hotel. Dinner is $55

Pet Expo Attractions:
– Meet Chris “The Mad Aquarist” Biggs
– 4th Canadian Biotope Contest 2023 – we would like to welcome 10 participants to our competition. Each participant will receive a 10 gallon tank with light and hanging filter. This package is yours to keep from the organizers of Pet Expo. If you’d like to participate please send an email to – caoac1@gmail.com – attention Frank Aguirre
– Aquascaping Competition
– Trans Canada Guppy Group – show and auction
– Betta Breeders Canada – show and auction
– CAOAC show and auction
– speakers to be announced

*Presidents Tank Challenge*
We’ve asked each CAOAC club to participate in an aquascaping challenge. There’s nothing better than a little competition. There’s also nothing better than watching a group of people fascinated by a beautiful tank. So let’s get all the clubs involved. I’m thinking 20 gallon tanks. Prizes include bragging rights of course, trophy and more. Please let me know if your interested caoac1@gmail.com

Hope to see you at the meeting on Thurs!
