Happy New Year!

The 2023 H&DAS Executive would like to thank everyone who attended our December Christmas Event. Thank you Noel N for hosting our game. Congratulations to the winners.

Our Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive was a great success, raising 110 lbs of groceries and $1894.50 in donations! Thank you for all the donations at the raffle table. This event just keeps on getting bigger and better!

Frank Aguirre will be our 1st presenter of 2024. His presentation is on “Priapellas” or commonly known as Olmecan Blue Eyes. Did you know that Frank is the President of CAOAC- the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs?

Our Spring Show and Auction is on Saturday, March 23rd at the Waterdown Legion. Start getting your beautiful “Show” fish ready to win some cash. We are looking for volunteers to help us out. Please remember that many hands make light work.

Mike M picked up the New H&DAS T-shirts this week. If you haven’t yet paid for your shirt, you can pay at the meeting ($20).

Please remember to bring your fish for the Jar Show. Rainbow/Dwarf Cichlids/AOV.

Hope to see you Thursday!
