President’s Message October

Hello Everyone

I want to thank Zenin Skomorowski for an amazing presentation on Loaches in September. This month we have Haydn Pounder talking about quarantining your fish properly.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at our Fall Auction! I would like to thank my Auction Chair, Carla MacDonald, for once again putting on an amazing auction. To my fellow excutive – Thank you for all the hard work and dedication for the auction.

To all the runners, kitchen staff, and other helpers, thank you so much for your help!

To Jerry Draper and Bob Wright, our auctioneers, again an amazing job and thank you for your time.

To our sponsors..
Big Als Hamilton
Big Als Canada
Aquarium Direct
Finatics Aquarium

Your donations were amazing! We really appreciate your support towards H&DAS.

CAOAC Convention 2020 will be hosted by Durham Region Aquarium Society May 1st to the 3rd. It will be held in Burlington at the Holiday Inn again. This year’s theme is Thunder Down Under in the Great White North, focused on Rainbowfish. They’ve arranged a great line-up of speakers, click below for more info

Mike Majer
President of H&DAS
