Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone is well!

Just want to thank everyone who joined us on our Zoom Meeting. It was Show and Tell time! A lot of you were keeping busy during this Pandemic with your fishrooms, they looked amazing!

Our next scheduled meeting is on October 8th at 7:30pm. Our Special Guest will be Gerald Griffin from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gerald is the Judging Board Chair at International Betta Congress. He is former President of the International Betta Congress. He has been to Canada a few times during CAOAC Conventions and even fell in love with Tim Hortons while he was here!  He is a super nice guy and his knowledge of Bettas is out standing.
Gerald will be speaking to us on Piscine Evolution and Taxonomy.

Meetings and Auctions
Our in-person meetings and auctions are still postponed at this time. Our meeting location and the Legion are not available for social gatherings, which is understandable. We won’t be taking any chances; we worry about everyone’s safety and health.

During this time, our amazing sponors The Tropical Fishroom and Big Al’s Hamilton will honor expired memberships that expire in the year 2020.
We are currently working on a PDF format membership card so you can renew your membership or join the club online and still receive a card. These memberships can be printed or mailed to you if you don’t have access to a printer.

Band App
Our Band Group is up and running! If you need to sell any fish or equipment you can! If you need access to our group, download the Band App and join “Hamilton & District Aquarium Society Buy & Sell Group”.

Mike Majer
President of HDAS