Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re all having a great summer. It looks like we’ve all been cutting a lot of green grass with the rain we’ve had. The cooler mornings and evenings are telling us that Fall is very close. And here we go again, kids back to school and H&DAS starting back with its 23/24 season.
Our guest Speaker on Thursday September 14th will be Peter DeSouza giving us a full presentation on his travels in Cameroon. There will also be a Jar Show with Tetras and Corydoras as the Show Classes. Prizes are 1st – $30, 2nd – $20 and 3rd – $10 gift cards.
Pet Expo is September 16 and 17th at the Toronto International Center. I have some weekend passes available to anyone wanting to come out and volunteer for a few hours either day. I will need to know if you’d like a pass by September 1st. There will be many speakers including Chris Biggs, Joey Mullen, Jeff Cardwell, Jennifer Williams, Therese Neal and more. There is an Aquascape Contest, 4th Canadian Biotope Contest, Presidents Tank Challenge. Many aquatic vendors and CAOAC Tropical Fish Show, TransCanada Guppy Show and Auction, Betta Breeders Canada Show and Auction. If you’d like tickets go to the CAOAC website for discounted pricing.
The H&DAS Fall Auction will be on Saturday October 14th at the Waterdown Legion. We will also have an area for Vendors. The cost per table is $35. Please contact me if you’re interested.