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So far admin has created 42 blog entries.

Spring auction approaching. NO TAX on auction sales.

With the new HST in effect, H&DAS is no longer collecting sales tax on auctions.  We apologize for any confusion due to this change not being listed on the information pages for Spring and Fall auctions. They have been updated with the correct information.  Stay tuned for the Fall auction date, and mark your calendar for the upcoming auction:

Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 551

79 Hamilton St N

Waterdown, Ontario


Spring Auction information

By | February 10th, 2011|Categories: Announcements|

The bulletin has gone public!

As of this month, the H&DAS Bulletin will be available to the public at no charge. Member-subscribers will still receive the printed version and/or electronic copy in advance of the public, and the current issue will remain protected for 2 weeks. After that, all archives will be available for free download. We are looking forward to more contributions of articles and photos. So get inspired, and send us your tips, articles, photos and ideas!

By | February 10th, 2011|Categories: Announcements, bulletin|

H&DAS Bulletin – February 2011

Here is the latest bulletin:

Click to download H&DAS Bulletin – February 2011 (PDF)

Or view it without Acrobat Reader:

By | February 10th, 2011|Categories: bulletin|

February President’s Message

Hi Everyone!

Well, I can barely see my pond and yard for all the snow. I know I will be complaining that it’s too hot in July sometime. I will try to look back and remember this day.

At the last meeting we did a small survey to see what you like and what we can do better at the HDAS. One of the suggestions was to get the meetings started on time. We do our best to start at 7:30 but often it is felt that not everyone is there and many would miss part of the meeting. We are going to try to get the meetings started on time at the upcoming meeting.

There is some exciting events scheduled at the HDAS in the next few months. To start with I’d like to thank Bob Wright for his program last month on his trip to Nevada. Very interesting information for us all. Our program this month is on “Seahorses.” I’m looking forward to this presentation. The March program is “setting up a Reef Tank.” Some of you have signed up for the Home Show in April. There is still lots of time to sign up for the Home Show. We will also have a presentation on the CARES program.

The spring auction is set for Sunday March 6 at the Canadian Legion in Waterdown. It’s the first auction of the spring season. Have you checked out your tanks or gently used fish related items to see what you can sell or need to purchase. Come visit us, make some purchases or give us a hand.

A trip to the Toronto Zoo is planned for Sunday June 12. A behind the scenes tour is being arranged in the Aquarium areas. Please sign up for this trip if you are interested in attending. Bring a guest or two. The price will be decided soon. The Third Annual HDAS Pond Tour is being scheduled for Sunday July 10th. The ponds should be in great colour. As today is Ground Hog Day and they are calling for an early spring, I can’t wait to get my yard and pond ready. It’s really hard to believe we will ever get rid of all this snow.

Brantford is hosting the CAOAC Convention on the May Long Weekend. There are many exciting events planned. If you haven’t been to a Tropical Fish Convention before it is being hosted almost next door. This is a great opportunity to meet friends with your interests, compare ideas with your tanks and mingle. Make some plans to come see a speaker or attend the auction. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Happy Valentines to all,


By | February 10th, 2011|Categories: President's Messages|

H&DAS Bulletin – January 2011

Here is the latest bulletin:

Click to download H&DAS Bulletin – January 2011 (PDF)

Or view it without Acrobat Reader:

By | January 7th, 2011|Categories: bulletin|

January President’s Message

Hi Everyone and Happy New Year

Wow, 2011 already.  That sure came quickly.  I hope everyone had a really nice Christmas and New Year Holiday Season.  I’d like to thank Noel N for his great Fish Rendition of Millionaire for our annual Christmas Party.  We had lots of success with raising funds and groceries for Neighbour to Neighbour.  Thank you all for your support and helping others during the holiday season. I’d like to thank the HDAS executive with their help in preparation for the party.  I think a good time was had by all.

January’s meeting on Thursday the 13th is the HDAS executive election night.  If you are interested in running for a position, please let me know.  The program for January will be presented by Bob Wright.

Our Spring Auction is on Sunday, March 6th.  Please mark this date on your calendar and give the HDAS auction team a hand.  We are always looking for more help. Try selling some new or gently used items or maybe purchasing some items.  If you haven’t been to an auction, this is a good time to start.  The auction is at the Waterdown Legion.

The Brantford Tropical Fish Club is hosting the 2011 CAOAC Convention starting on Friday May 20 thru the long weekend Monday May 23. If you have never been to a tropical fish convention this is an ideal opportunity for you to go. Save your loose change or make a plan to attend.  There are many great speakers coming to the convention to keep us all educated in our hobby.  Stay posted for more information.

There are many ideas in motion for the 2011 year.  A new twist on the Home Show? Programs? 3rd Annual Pond Tour? How about a trip to the Toronto Zoo?  Let me know your ideas.

See you at the meeting.


By | January 3rd, 2011|Categories: President's Messages|

December President’s Message

Hello and happy holidays everyone!

It’s December already.  I can hardly believe it.  It seemed like only yesterday I was bewildered by the beauty of my ponds and here we are talking about Christmas and what we will be doing at the club to help others at Christmas.  We are having a Neighbour to Neighbour food drive.  Please bring a non perishable food item or items to the next meeting.  We are also having a fish table raffle with items that you donate to help donate money to the food drive.  For every $10 we donate, it is worth $100 to a family in need.  Please donate if you can. We are also having a great night of fun.  Noel always provides us with a great game for the December meeting.  Will it be Millionaire or has he found a new game for us all to enjoy.  You’ll find out it you make it to the meeting.  Also, remember to bring your appetite.  Pizza and wings are the treat for the night.  Bring a desert or treat to share if you like.

If you are looking for something to do on the weekend of Dec 3, 4, 5 the Hamilton and District Aquarium Society will be representing the pet industry at the P.E.T.S. tradeshow at the
Ancaster Fall Grounds.  Come and listen to Frank H speak on taking care of fish in the aquarium. Check the website for more information.

I’d like to thank Sue B for her presentation last month on Dwarf African Frogs.  Great job Sue.  I’d also like to thank Charley Grimes for his awesome presentations at the dinner night on Nov 13.  What a great night.  I hope you all enjoyed this event as much as I did.  Charley is still one of my favourite speakers.  I was lucky enough to hear Charley speak again the following weekend in Cleveland at the Ohio Cichlid Convention.  What a great time.  If you’re looking for a convention to attend, this is definately the one you should attend.  Its inexpensive and full of cichliholics.

January’s speaker is Bob Wright talking about his trip to Nevada last fall.  It is also election time for the club.  If you are interested in a position on the executive please let me know.  There are also positions available that we need help with.  We are looking for help in the library.  We are also looking for someone to help us with a new program CARES.  If you are interested in helping in any area of the club, please let me know

We have set up a dinner night at the Mandarin for any club members and their guest for Thurs. Dec. 16.  If you can make it please let us know at the meeting.  There will be a sign up sheet at the meeting.

Hope to see you all there.


By | December 11th, 2010|Categories: President's Messages|

H&DAS Bulletin – December 2010

Here is the latest bulletin:

Click to download  H&DAS Bulletin – December 2010 (PDF)

Or view it without Acrobat Reader:

By | December 7th, 2010|Categories: bulletin|

H&DAS Bulletin – November 2010

Here is the November 2010 Bulletin:

Click to download H&DAS Bulletin – November 2010 (PDF)

Or view it without Acrobat Reader:

By | October 29th, 2010|Categories: bulletin|

Fish Rescue

Anyone interested in helping Tom Mason rescue fish, please contact:

By | September 25th, 2010|Categories: Announcements|