

Neighbour-2-Neighbour Virtual Fundraiser

Every December, at our Holiday Meeting, H&DAS has held a Donation Drive and Penny Raffle to raise funds for Neighbour to Neighbour. Neighbour to Neighbour works to improve the quality of life in our community by offering access to tutoring programs for children, community kitchen programs, utility subsidy programs, family counselling, emergency food access and a host of other interventions.

Due to COVID-19 we are not meeting in person, so this year we are holding a Virtual Fundraiser for N2N.
If it is within your means, we ask that members make an online donation via the link below, and send a screenshot of your receipt to us privately at For every $10 donated, a ticket will be put in our draw for some amazing aquarium products!

Our Virtual Fundraiser will run until the end of December, with the draw taking place during our January Zoom Meeting. Prizes include a Fluval ProVac, a ZooMed AquaEffects Nano LED, NorthFin Community Flake 350g bucket, 2L Fluval Total Protection Water Conditioner, and a $100 gift certificate to Big Al’s Hamilton!

For more information, contact

To donate, visit:

To learn more about Neighbour-2-Neighbour, visit:

By | December 8th, 2020|Categories: Announcements|

September Zoom Meeting

Welcome back!

Our September meeting is an opportunity for members to catch up and share what they’ve been up to since our March meeting.

Participants are encouraged to show off their aquarium or fishroom achievements or even just their favourite fishy friends.

Members will receive a notice via email, and later a link and password for the meeting itself.

During the meeting, President Mike will hold a draw for a 250g container of Northfin Bug Pro! The winner can have it delivered with no contact.

We’ve missed you and hope to see you there!

By | September 8th, 2020|Categories: Meetings|

Club Update

September is here, and with it begins an unprecedented new year for H&DAS.

Covid-19 has had widespread repercussions on the lives of all, and our club is no exception. We remain in operation, however no in-person meetings or events will be taking place.

Our Fall Auction is cancelled, and our Spring Show & Auction will likely be as well.

We do not have nearly enough space at the church for proper social distancing, so monthly meeting will continue, however they will be conducted online via Zoom. Paid members will receive meeting information via email. Please contact us if you are a paid member and did not receive our July meeting emails so that we can ensure you receive further correspondence.

All memberships are on hold as of the March meeting until further notice; if your membership was paid and in good standing as of the March meeting it will not expire any time soon. We have contacted our retail sponsors about extending discounts to those with memberships that expire after March 2020, and are exploring means of providing updated digital memberships.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate operations during the pandemic.

We miss you all and hope our members and supporters are well and stay well.

By | September 8th, 2020|Categories: Announcements|

January Meeting

H&DAS is kicking the year off with a bit of business and a bit of fun!
January is our elections month, so we will be taking a few minutes during the meeting to confirm our executive for the upcoming year.
In place of a traditional speaker, Jessica will be running a Wabi Kusa soil ball workshop! Save your plant trimmings, as we’ll be planting cuttings into pre-made substrate balls to grow out of the aquarium. Members will be supplied with materials but extra cuttings are most welcome and will help spice up the mix! Don’t forget to bring taper point tweezers if you have them, and your glasses if you need them! Youll need a display container at home – large jars, vases, terrariums etc all work.
Doors open at 7pm for set-up, meeting begins 7:30pm.
We meet downstairs at the Church of the Resurrection, 435 Mohawk Rd W, Hamilton, ON L9C 1X1
Our meeting will have the usual members draw, raffle table, donutfish, and a mini auction.
*** President Mike will be bringing a magical mystery box to test your fishy knowledge! Will it be fish? A Plant? An Invertebrate? Remember to bring your thinking caps!
Guests are welcome to come and check out a meeting for free!
Suitable plants to bring:
Most stem plants (Hygrophila, Ludwigia, Hydrocotyl, etc)
Rosette plants (small Cryptocoryne)
Bolbitis ferns

True aquatic plants such as Hornwort, Vallisneria and Blyxa are not suitable for Wabi Kusa.

By | January 8th, 2020|Categories: Announcements, Meetings|

An Evening with Chris ‘The Mad Aquarist’ Biggs


April 25th 2020. Madness is coming to town, and it’s name is Chris.

Hamilton & District Aquarium Society is incredibly excited to be hosting a dinner speaker event featuring The Mad Aquarist himself, Chris Biggs!
A spark of genius from the icy plains of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Chris is a Grand Master fish breeder and horticulturalist, international speaker, founding member of The Dead Fish Order, and so much more. His love for the hobby can be seen on his YouTube Channel and has kept him in high demand as a keynote speaker.

Our evening will feature two presentations by Chris, a potluck dinner, donation drive for Neighbour-2-Neighbour, door prizes, and more!

Tickets: $20 plus small potluck item or donation to Neighbour-2-Neighbour
Location: The Waterdown Legion Branch 551, 79 Hamilton St N, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0

Contact to arrange tickets and potluck contributions.
Please inform us of any dietary restrictions or allergies; we want all of our guests to leave happy and well fed!

Tentative Schedule:

5pm Meet & Greet with Chris
6pm ‘The Florida Experience’
7pm Dinner
8pm ‘The Mad Aquarist’

For further information, follow us on Facebook or online

By | October 17th, 2019|Categories: Announcements|

Fish Growing Contest

Let’s get growing!

This year H&DAS is putting on a fish growing contest for our members!
Sign up at our September or October meeting to pick up your fry at the November meeting.


Charles Drew will be providing the club with gorgeous, high quality Koi Swordtail fry. Participants will receive 5 fry for $5 to grow out in their home aquaria. We will hold a jar show for these fish at the June meeting with two classes (male and female). Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 fish in each category. Entries are limited to one male and one female per participant.

Prizes are gift certificates to local fish stores: $50 for 1st place, $25 for 2nd place, and $15 for 3rd place.
Every participant who brings fish back for showing will be reimbursed their $5 purchase price.

For more information contact

By | September 11th, 2017|Categories: Announcements|

Our Spring Auction, Saturday March 25th, is just a few days away!

Just a reminder of some of our rules:

  • Items to be auctioned may be fish, plants or any new fish related items.  No open containers of fish food or medication will be allowed. No expired products allowed. You may rent a vendors table for any used equipment. Please limit the amount of each species or product to ensure top dollar.
  • No books or magazines
  • Used aquariums under 30 gallons are allowed, only if there are no cracks or leaks, and they are clean.

You may pre-register as a seller until Thursday evening. Lot numbers will not be given out on Friday.
Please contact Albert @ to pre-register.

For more information, visit

By | March 21st, 2017|Categories: Announcements|

Jar Show Standings 2016/17

Name October November January
Peter DeSouza 11 12 6
Nicki Vella 3 2
Catherine Salmon 4 5
Valerie Winger 7
Margaret Dent 3
Jessica Bullock 7
Carla MacDonald 1
Albert Van Montfort 3
Karen Rogers 2
By | February 8th, 2017|Categories: Meetings|

A few updates…

I hope all H&DAS members are enjoying these milder days of summer.  But on those hot days that are likely to come, have a look at some of the newer social media features we have added for your enjoyment:

  • The forum is now Facebook enabled.  If you already have a forum account, go ahead and link your Facebook account under profile settings.  If you are new to the discussion forum, save yourself some time by just logging in by clicking the Connect to Facebook button.  The H&DAS forum is the official place for community support and news about H&DAS happenings and members.
  • Our gallery is upgrading to use Flickr. In the coming weeks, photos of Auctions, Shows, trips, and Home Shows will still be available on the website, but they will be stored in our Flickr Photostream.  As a special feature for members, photos can now be shared easily to our Flickr Group.  So get out your cameras, log in to Flickr, and start sharing those great pictures!
  • Last, for those Plussers, a Google+ page is set up as yet another place to catch the H&DAS news.  

Plug in, connect your wireless, tap in to what is available from H&DAS this summer!

By | July 28th, 2013|Categories: Announcements|


A brief summary of some upcoming events. Stay tuned…

1. HDAS BBQ – this was our first club BBQ. It was held at Carla’s home. We had a great turn out with 25 members coming out all bringing a little bit of their fish expertise. We enjoyed hot dogs, burgs, sausage and many salads and deserts were brought along by the many HDAS group. It was a great night and the weather participated. I’m sure we will do this again.

2. Speaker Line Up – Sept – Klaus Steinhouse – Cares Program – Oct – Frank Aquaire – Most Beautiful Aquariums – Nov – Tom Mason – Crayfish, Lobsters and Shrimp – Dec – Christmas Party, Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive

3. Sat. Sept 21 – HDAS Fall Auction and Vendors Table – Waterdown Legion. If anyone is interested in purchasing a vendors table, please contact Carla

4. Hamilton and District Aquarium Society is please to announce that Mark Denaro will be our Guest Dinner Speaker on Saturday November 16th at the Waterdown Legion. He will be presenting 2 programs – Hope you can join us. The cost is $25 and includes a fantastic dinner and prizes. To purchase your ticket please contact a member of the HDAS executive. Thanks and have a great summer!


By | June 26th, 2013|Categories: Announcements|