Presidents Message-January 2014
Happy New Years Everyone!
Hope you had a great holiday season. Did you all get enough to eat? We had a great turn out for our Christmas meeting raising funds and groceries for Neighbour to Neighbour. Thanks everyone for your generous donations.
Our meeting in January is pretty exciting too. I will introduce the new executive for the 2014 season. I’ve enjoyed being the President for HDAS and getting to meet so many wonderful people who enjoy fish. Just so you know I’m still around and helping out. It takes lots of hands to make our club the success it is. Larry Johnson will be presenting at our meeting. Jessica is presenting in February helping us to prepare for the April Home Show.
Our spring auction and show is on Saturday March 22 at the Waterdown Legion. Mark that date on your calendar so your fish are ready. We could use your help at the auction as well.
Hope to see you at the meeting!