

About Carla

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So far Carla has created 33 blog entries.

Presidents Message-January 2014

Happy New Years Everyone!

Hope you had a great holiday season. Did you all get enough to eat? We had a great turn out for our Christmas meeting raising funds and groceries for Neighbour to Neighbour. Thanks everyone for your generous donations.
Our meeting in January is pretty exciting too. I will introduce the new executive for the 2014 season. I’ve enjoyed being the President for HDAS and getting to meet so many wonderful people who enjoy fish. Just so you know I’m still around and helping out. It takes lots of hands to make our club the success it is. Larry Johnson will be presenting at our meeting. Jessica is presenting in February helping us to prepare for the April Home Show.
Our spring auction and show is on Saturday March 22 at the Waterdown Legion. Mark that date on your calendar so your fish are ready. We could use your help at the auction as well.
Hope to see you at the meeting!


By | January 9th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Presidents Message – December

Hi Everyone!
It’s that time of year again. Christmas is a great time for visiting with friends and family. It’s also a great time for sharing and helping others less fortunate. Our meeting on Thurs Dec 12 is about helping the Neighbour to Neighbour food drive. Please bring in some non perishable food items for our food drive. We will be providing a pizza and wing snack. If you’d like to add anything to our snack (desert) that would be great. Sarah is doing up a fishy draw table with donations from you. (items do not need to be fish related) $10 for 20 tickets. All money is donated to N to N. Noel will be entertaining us with a fishy game. So please come and enjoy! On Thurs Dec 19 we will be going to the Red Maple in Burlington for dinner. There will be a sign up sheet at the meeting.

Thank you Mark Denaro for your excellent presentations at our Dinner speaker evening. It was a great night. Thanks to everyone that attended.
Thanks to Tom and Tom last month for their dulling presentation on shrimp, lobsters and crayfish.
I reminder that we have elections in January. We need to know if you would like to run for a position at the Dec meeting. All seats are open. The current executive are in the process of ensuring all seats will be filled for January. Please let Charlie D or myself know it your interested.
Did you know that we have a really nice library full of different fish plants aquarium books? Come and check it out. You can sign out a book for a month. Remember to return your books each month and then take out another.
Merry Christmas! Hope to see you at the meeting.


By | December 5th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Thanks Mark!

Thanks for coming and speaking for the HDAS group last night Mark Denaro. It was a great night spent with friends. It was a pleasure spending time with you and of course learning. Thanks for all the salt water info.


By | November 17th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Dinner with Mark Denaro

The HDAS dinner with Mark Denaro is coming up this weekend on Sat Nov 16. Mark will be making 2 presentations – a before and after our terrific buffet dinner and desert. Mark will be talking about annibandits and salt water fish. Let me know it you would like tickets.


By | November 12th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Presidents Message-November

> Hi Everyone!
> Hope everyone is enjoying all the fall auctions and shows. HDAS also has a Dinner Speaker night featuring Mark Denaro on Saturday November 16 at the Waterdown Legion. The evening starts at 6 with a meet and greet. Mark will be presenting 2 talks. One on Anibandits and the other on Salt Water fish. The cost is only $25.00 and includes dinner and desert. Let me know if you would like tickets ( Ted Judy will also be speaking in Chatham on Sat. Nov 9. Check out their website for more info. Another fabulous speaker.
> Our speaker this month is Tom Mason and he will be talking about crayfish and shrimp. I’m looking forward to this presentation. Our December program is all about Christmas with a Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive. Please bring non perishable food items to support the event. Sarah will feature a fishy table with donation from YOU. Your donations do not need to be fish related. All the proceeds go to help less fortunate families. Noel will be hosting a Fish Trivia game and prizes, pizza and wings to celebrate the season.
> Hope to see you at the meeting.
> Carla

By | November 5th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Presidents Message – October 2013

Presidents Message

Hi Everyone!

Its another beautiful day as I’m putting this message together. Oct 1 and its sunny and warm. I look at the yard with the pool closed up and the leaves starting to fall around my ponds and wonder what happened to the summer. Our fall auction was a really great success. Thanks goes out to everyone that came out and helped. We can’t do it without you. The day ran smoothly and it was really nice to see so many hobbiests together. Thanks goes out to Klaus Steinhaus for his presentation in September on C.A.R.E.S. I hope you will all remember to give your information to Karen R so we can become more active in this program. After all, isn’t that part of why we raise fish? Our speaker for October is Frank Aquirre on aquarium beautiful. I’m sure it will be a really nice presentation as I’ve seen some of his pictures on facebook. If your not a member of our facebook group – look the club up. Our November speaker is Tom Mason on Crabs and Shrimps. This will be another amazing program. December is the Christmas Party and Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive. Mark Denaro is our feature dinner speaker on Saturday, November 16 at the Waterdown Legion. He will be presenting 2 talks – Annibantits and Salt Water. The cost for this evening out includes a fabulous dinner and even includes desert all for only $25. The first presentation will begin at approximately 6pm. Let me know if you would like tickets.

Hope to see you all at the meeting.


By | October 8th, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message – September 2013

Hi everyone!

Hope you’re having a great summer. I’m just on holidays this week so I can hopefully enjoy a warm and sunny week. My ponds have done really well this summer. I got a beautiful lotus and it had 7 blooms. I was so impressed but Bentley our dog ate 2 blooms. He loves flowers. (Yummy)

I hate to say it but fall is just around the corner. With that comes fall auctions. Our fall auction is on Saturday September 21 at the Waterdown Legion. We encourage you to come out and support your club by lending a hand. Auctions are a lot of work if we don’t have volunteers throughout the day. Please let me know if you can help.

On Saturday November 16 the club will be featuring Mark Denaro as the dinner speaker at the Waterdown Legion. It’s a great buffet dinner along with a before and after dinner presentation. Tickets are $25. Please let me or a member of the executive know if you would like tickets.

Our Thursday September 12 speaker is Klaus Steinhaus presenting on “C.A.R.E.S.“. Klaus is a fantastic speaker and truly is passionate about “C.A.R.E.S.” and fish preservation. I hope you can join us.

I hope to see you at the meeting. Until then enjoy the rest that summer has to offer.


By | September 3rd, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|


A brief summary of some upcoming events. Stay tuned…

1. HDAS BBQ – this was our first club BBQ. It was held at Carla’s home. We had a great turn out with 25 members coming out all bringing a little bit of their fish expertise. We enjoyed hot dogs, burgs, sausage and many salads and deserts were brought along by the many HDAS group. It was a great night and the weather participated. I’m sure we will do this again.

2. Speaker Line Up – Sept – Klaus Steinhouse – Cares Program – Oct – Frank Aquaire – Most Beautiful Aquariums – Nov – Tom Mason – Crayfish, Lobsters and Shrimp – Dec – Christmas Party, Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive

3. Sat. Sept 21 – HDAS Fall Auction and Vendors Table – Waterdown Legion. If anyone is interested in purchasing a vendors table, please contact Carla

4. Hamilton and District Aquarium Society is please to announce that Mark Denaro will be our Guest Dinner Speaker on Saturday November 16th at the Waterdown Legion. He will be presenting 2 programs – Hope you can join us. The cost is $25 and includes a fantastic dinner and prizes. To purchase your ticket please contact a member of the HDAS executive. Thanks and have a great summer!


By | June 26th, 2013|Categories: Announcements|

President’s Message – June 2013

Hi Everyone!

What a beautiful day! I finally got my ponds opened this week. I thought it would never happen. Now if I can just get a few days off I can clean up the yard and gardens. I’d like to thank the Home Show team (Albert, Charlie, Frank and Jessica) on a fantastic job getting everything set up and presenting a great program. I need to thank all of you for allowing the team into your homes. The trip to Moores Water Gardens in Port Stanley is still a go for Sunday June 2. We will be driving out making a few stops on the way back. I believe it’s called a Shop Hop. I’m in the process of planning the day. Sure hope you can join in. More info at the meeting. Our presentation in May is on importing and Canadian regulations and how they apply to us fish hobbyists. June is Pond month. It’s not to late to send me pictures.

See you there!


By | June 26th, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|

Trip to Moores

Just a reminder that our trip to Moores Water Gardens in Port Stanley is tomorrow Sun. June 2. Meet at my place @ 9:30 am. Need directions email me at


By | June 1st, 2013|Categories: Event|