President’s Message February
Hi everyone!
I can’t believe it’s February already. I’d like to thank Zenin for his great program on filtration at our January meeting. Our program on February 9 will be presented by Frank Aguirre. Frank is no stranger to large tanks and he’ll be showcasing some of his super large installations. He will also be presenting information on biotope aquarium design and how we can participate at the 2017 Aquatic Expo.
Have you signed up for the Home Show?
We will need everyone participating to register by the end of our February meeting as this presentation is for April. Everyone is able to enter, near or far, our team is willing to travel, and everyone wins a prize!
Our Spring Auction is Saturday March 25 at the Waterdown Legion. Come on out and enjoy the first weekend of spring. Come help us out as we can always use the help.
The 2017 Aquatic Expo is coming along well. Have you bought your ticket yet? Last year I bought tickets for Valentines Day as a gift. Our first raffled ticket was won by Peter DeSouza.
Hope you enjoy the meeting!