President’s Messages

/President's Messages

President’s Message February

Hi everyone!
I can’t believe it’s February already. I’d like to thank Zenin for his great program on filtration at our January meeting. Our program on February 9 will be presented by Frank Aguirre. Frank is no stranger to large tanks and he’ll be showcasing some of his super large installations. He will also be presenting information on biotope aquarium design and how we can participate at the 2017 Aquatic Expo.

Have you signed up for the Home Show?
We will need everyone participating to register by the end of our February meeting as this presentation is for April. Everyone is able to enter, near or far, our team is willing to travel, and everyone wins a prize!

Our Spring Auction is Saturday March 25 at the Waterdown Legion. Come on out and enjoy the first weekend of spring. Come help us out as we can always use the help.

The 2017 Aquatic Expo is coming along well. Have you bought your ticket yet? Last year I bought tickets for Valentines Day as a gift. Our first raffled ticket was won by Peter DeSouza.

Hope you enjoy the meeting!


By | February 6th, 2017|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message January

Hi everyone!
Happy New Year 2017 and what an exciting year we have ahead of us, including some great speakers:

Thursday January 12 – Zenin Skomorowski – Filtration – a hands on presentation. Jar show classes are Plants and AOV.

Thursday February 9 – Frank Aquirre – introduction to Biotope and his tank creations over the last 10 years including at “Google”. Frank will be setting up the Canada Biotope Competition at the Aquatic Expo 2017.

Thursday April 13 – Home Show. This program is one of my favourites because you help to create it. Please sign up for our Judging Team to come take some pictures/videos of your tank. Share your beautiful creation with the club. And there are Prizes too!

Our spring auction is on a Saturday March 25 at the Waterdown Legion. This is always a great auction so be sure to “save the date”. Our club is hosting the 2017 CAOAC Aquatic Expo – May 19 – 21 at the Burlington Holiday Inn. Guest speakers include Ian Fuller, Eric Bodrock, Regina Spotti, Lawrence Kent and Gerald Griffin. Information about our speakers, pricing, hotel info is on our website.

Hope to see you at our meeting on Thursday, Carla

By | January 9th, 2017|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message November

Hi everyone!
Big Thank You to Nancy Egelton for her presentation on Guppies last month. I didn’t realize there were so many different types of Guppies. I look forward to having the Trans Canada Guppy Group participation in the CAOAC Aquatic Expo 2017.

Our guest speaker for our November 10th meeting is Ron Bishop. His presentation on Axolotls is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Our Jar show classes will be Guppies/Mollies and AOV.
December will be our Christmas Party with a Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive. Sarah will have a Fishy Draw table. It always feels good to help others at this time of year. We will supply pizza and wings. Bring a dessert to share if you like.

Our club is hosting the CAOAC Aquatic Expo 2017 -May 19 to 21. If you have any ideas or suggestions to make this event the best it can be please come out to an executive meeting or speak with a member of the executive.

Hope to see you all at the meeting on Thursday Nov 10th at 7:30pm.


By | November 9th, 2016|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message September

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a great summer. If you like hot then I’m sure you enjoyed. What an exciting year we have in store for everyone. We have set up some extra club events that we hope you will participate in:

-Sun Sept 18 – shop hop to include Mississauga fish stores
-Sun Nov 13 – Ripleys Aquarium trip

Our Fall Auction is on Sat Oct 1 at the Waterdown Legion. We will have vendors tables available for $25. We will not be selling any used equipment at our auction so if you have fish related used equipment, this would be a great opportunity for you.

Hamilton and District Aquarium Society is also very excited to be hosting the CAOAC Convention at the Burlington Holiday Inn and Convention Centre on Fri May 19 thru Sun May 21, 2017. If your group would like to participate in our convention please contact me – info on our website.

Our club meeting on Thurs Sept 8 starts at 7:30. Our guest speaker is Bob Wright and his presentation is on Native Fish.
Hope to see you at the meeting.


By | September 1st, 2016|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message January

Hi everybody!
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready to get back into the swing of things. We start our year at the club with our January meeting, Thursday the 14th, at 7:30pm. We will begin our meeting with an early bird members draw and proceed with our yearly executive elections. Our speaker for the evening will be Al Ridley of the Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society. Al will be presenting the wonderful world of barbs, and I’m sure he will be showing us some stunning photos!

Remember to mark your calendar for Saturday, March 19th! We will be at the Waterdown Legion for our annual Spring Show and Auction. Come out and see what everyones been working on while avoiding the outdoors! Bring some fish to show off and maybe win some cash for the auction. As always there will be draws, donations and possibly even a chili dog or two.

See you soon,

By | January 13th, 2016|Categories: President's Messages|

Presidents Message September

President’s message for September 2014

Hi everybody! It seems like summer has just arrived and a look at the calendar says it is well into to August now. Fall is almost here and September is just around the corner.
I hope everybody has enjoyed their summer projects and their fish are flourishing . I know it has been an eventful summer for many of our members in the community’ and it will be good to catch up with everybody soon.
With Fall comes the time for the local clubs to get together for meetings again ..It’s time to start preparing for meetings with some good speakers , auctions workshops ect ect .

As a reminder , Hamilton’s club’s meetings are open to all.. So if you have never been to a meeting please come for an interesting evening and meet some fellow fishy keepers. We meet at the Church of the Resurrection at 4325 Mohawk Road West near the corner of Garth and Mohawk in Hamilton the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm .

And to all who know when and where our meetings are it will be great to see you all again in a few weeks . See you all on Thursday September 11th.

By | September 9th, 2014|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message June

Hi everybody! It’s June already and the sunshine and warm weather is finally here. Pond season is moving into full swing. I hope everybody enjoyed Lisa’s presentation on ponds and water features at our meeting last month. It was a long hard winter for our ponds and Lisa gave some great ideas and advice on how to get them beautiful; again. Moore’s Water Gardens was generous and donated some beautiful flowering plants to our monthly auction. I hope those who bought some are enjoying them.

The May long weekend was CAOAC’s annual convention; it was hosted by the Durham club. The theme of the convention this year was preservation and conservation of fish habitats and species around the world at risk of extinction. There was a lot of information about some of the various organizations that hobbyists are involved with to help in different  projects. It was a good way to learn about what is going on while enjoying getting together with some old and new friends. I enjoyed myself at the event and naturally couldn’t resist bringing home something new for my tanks.

What is our club doing in June?  Sadly it will be our last meeting before our summer break and everybody heads off to the cottage for the summer. We will be getting back together the second Thursday in September. Don’t forget that this month we are having our Jar Show as well as a speaker at our meeting (the second Thursday of the month). Our speaker for June will be Al Ridley presenting on West African Cichlids. I have kept several of them over the years and they can be really interesting fish to keep. Happy summer everybody!! See you at the meeting, Karen.

By | June 5th, 2014|Categories: President's Messages|

Presidents Message – October 2013

Presidents Message

Hi Everyone!

Its another beautiful day as I’m putting this message together. Oct 1 and its sunny and warm. I look at the yard with the pool closed up and the leaves starting to fall around my ponds and wonder what happened to the summer. Our fall auction was a really great success. Thanks goes out to everyone that came out and helped. We can’t do it without you. The day ran smoothly and it was really nice to see so many hobbiests together. Thanks goes out to Klaus Steinhaus for his presentation in September on C.A.R.E.S. I hope you will all remember to give your information to Karen R so we can become more active in this program. After all, isn’t that part of why we raise fish? Our speaker for October is Frank Aquirre on aquarium beautiful. I’m sure it will be a really nice presentation as I’ve seen some of his pictures on facebook. If your not a member of our facebook group – look the club up. Our November speaker is Tom Mason on Crabs and Shrimps. This will be another amazing program. December is the Christmas Party and Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive. Mark Denaro is our feature dinner speaker on Saturday, November 16 at the Waterdown Legion. He will be presenting 2 talks – Annibantits and Salt Water. The cost for this evening out includes a fabulous dinner and even includes desert all for only $25. The first presentation will begin at approximately 6pm. Let me know if you would like tickets.

Hope to see you all at the meeting.


By | October 8th, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message – September 2013

Hi everyone!

Hope you’re having a great summer. I’m just on holidays this week so I can hopefully enjoy a warm and sunny week. My ponds have done really well this summer. I got a beautiful lotus and it had 7 blooms. I was so impressed but Bentley our dog ate 2 blooms. He loves flowers. (Yummy)

I hate to say it but fall is just around the corner. With that comes fall auctions. Our fall auction is on Saturday September 21 at the Waterdown Legion. We encourage you to come out and support your club by lending a hand. Auctions are a lot of work if we don’t have volunteers throughout the day. Please let me know if you can help.

On Saturday November 16 the club will be featuring Mark Denaro as the dinner speaker at the Waterdown Legion. It’s a great buffet dinner along with a before and after dinner presentation. Tickets are $25. Please let me or a member of the executive know if you would like tickets.

Our Thursday September 12 speaker is Klaus Steinhaus presenting on “C.A.R.E.S.“. Klaus is a fantastic speaker and truly is passionate about “C.A.R.E.S.” and fish preservation. I hope you can join us.

I hope to see you at the meeting. Until then enjoy the rest that summer has to offer.


By | September 3rd, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message – June 2013

Hi Everyone!

What a beautiful day! I finally got my ponds opened this week. I thought it would never happen. Now if I can just get a few days off I can clean up the yard and gardens. I’d like to thank the Home Show team (Albert, Charlie, Frank and Jessica) on a fantastic job getting everything set up and presenting a great program. I need to thank all of you for allowing the team into your homes. The trip to Moores Water Gardens in Port Stanley is still a go for Sunday June 2. We will be driving out making a few stops on the way back. I believe it’s called a Shop Hop. I’m in the process of planning the day. Sure hope you can join in. More info at the meeting. Our presentation in May is on importing and Canadian regulations and how they apply to us fish hobbyists. June is Pond month. It’s not to late to send me pictures.

See you there!


By | June 26th, 2013|Categories: President's Messages|