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So far jessbullock has created 87 blog entries.

President’s Message November

Hi everybody!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween and is enjoying our mild Fall.

Fall auction season may be winding down, but November is going to be an exciting month for H&DAS!
Our November meeting will take place Thursday, November 12th at 7:30pm at The Church of the Resurrection at the corner of Garth and Mohawk. Randy Seufert, from the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County, will be presenting on Livebearers. I know I’m excited to see what Randy can teach us about this often underappreciated group of fish!

Saturday, November 14th is the day we’ve all been waiting for!
H&DAS is proud to be presenting Dinner Speaker Anton Lamboj at the Waterdown Legion. Anton has worked as a lecturer at the University of Vienna since 1998 and has made field trips in many countries to study fish. The evening will feature two presentations by Anton (on wild Bettas and West African Cichlids), a potluck dinner, Neighbour-2-Neighbour food drive, door prizes, a betta auction and more! Tickets are only $15, see Carla or Jess at the meeting, or email!

See you soon,

By | November 10th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message October

Hi everybody!
There’s a chill in the air and I think Fall has finally arrived!
Hopefully the sunny weather will continue for our Fall Auction on Saturday, October 3rd at the Waterdown Legion. Doors open at 8am for registration and the auction will begin at 10am. Bring cash and a few friends!

Thanks to our own Catherine Salmon for kicking off our season with her talk on bettas! Our October meeting, Thursday the 8th, we’ll have Jae Hovius who will be showing us how to close our ponds. Hopefully this winter won’t be too hard on our fish! Be sure to get to the meeting and signed in early, we will be starting at 7:30pm sharp with a very special members draw.

Our evening with Anton Lamboj is fast approaching! On Saturday November 14th we’re back at the Waterdown Legion for a potluck dinner and two presentations. See Carla for tickets for this world class speaker, or e-mail It should be a night to remember!

See you soon,

By | October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message September

Hi everybody!
I hope everyone had a great summer. September has arrived and a new season begins! This fall is packed with all sorts of local aquarium events!

Our season begins with our regular meeting, Thursday September 10th at 7:30pm. H&DAS’s own Catherine Salmon will be sharing her experiences raising Bettas with us. It will be great to dig a little deeper into many hobbyist’s first fish!

Saturday, October 3rd we’ll once again be at the Waterdown Legion for our massive Fall Auction! Bring your fish, plants, and used equipment (in good working condition) and some cash for your purchases. As always there will be food and drink available for purchase, including Carla’s famous chili dogs! We depend on our members to volunteer as chit writers and runners, so please let Carla know of you can help. Doors and registration open at 8am, auction begins at 10am. Don’t forget to check the back of the bulletin for other area auctions!

This year our club is excited to have Anton Lamboj as a dinner speaker Saturday, November 14th. The evening will feature two talks, a potluck style dinner and more! Tickets are $15, see Carla for more information.

See you soon,

By | September 3rd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message June

Hi everybody!
June is here already and it is almost time for our summer break, but that doesn’t mean that things just stop until September! We have a few things planned for the summer months.

At our June club meeting we will be having James Taylor speaking on collecting fish in Uruguay, South America. I’m sure his talk will be full of interesting adventures.

And don’t forget our Jar Show this month! There will be three classes open for members: fish, plants, and invertebrates. Be sure to use a containers with at least one flat side for optimal viewing. It will be people’s choice for the judging, so even if you don’t enter be sure to cast your ballot! Consider bringing an entry or two… you just might win a cash prize.

We are also planning a bit of a pond tour and summer barbeque for our members. We plan on visiting a few ponds during the day followed by a potluck barbeque at Carla’s house. It should be a good day to see the ponds at their best. More details will be available at the June meeting. Come out, the more the merrier!

Enjoy your summer break!!!

By | June 10th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message May

Hi everyone!
April went by fast and the warm spring weather is here! It’s May and it’s time to start planning our ponds and water features. I’m even planning a small one for my garden this year.

Last month was our Home Show program. I want to thank all the participants who volunteered to have their aquariums judged and photographed. The tanks were amazing, everyone deserved honours! A real big thanks to our judges Frank, Charlie and Peter. Our Jessica did a fantastic job of putting together the photos and videos to present to our members. It was an added bonus to see a slide show from our Spring Show and Auction.

This month our program will be a Q&A with an experts panel. Our membership has many years of experience and knowledge on our hobby, it will be good to have time to share some of it. We’ve come up with a few ‘experts’ from our ranks and some intriguing questions to get us started. I’m sure it will be an interesting and informative night!

May us also convention month. The Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs (CAOAC) is putting on its yearly convention with Betta Breeders Canada (BBC). Be sure to get your ticket and attend, there will be great speakers, two fish shows, and a large auction! It is taking place the Victoria Day long weekend, May 15-17 at the Holiday Inn in Burlington. Visit for details.

See you at the meeting,

By | May 12th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message April

Hi everybody!
March was a busy month! We had Ken Boorman at our monthly meeting speaking on rainbowfish and blue-eyes. I’d like to thank Ken for coming and sharing his knowledge and love for fish that can shine every colour of the rainbow – it had me thinking about putting rainbowfish in the pond for the summer!

The H&DAS Spring Show & Auction was on the 21st and it was a great success! It was standing room only at times, and the bidding got very exciting! I hope you all won the bid on the fish you wanted to take home.

The show was great! All of the entries were great representatives of their species and it was hard for the judges to pick the winners. Congratulations to all who entered in the show. I want to thank all of our sponsors who generously donated to the event and congrats goes to Udo and John, our aquarium kit raffle winners. Most of all, I’d like to thank all of the people who gave their time to help at the event – you made it possible for the show and auction to be a success!

Our Home Show judges and photographer were out visiting members in their homes during March, viewing their tanks to judge and share with the club. I hear they all had amazing tanks and can’t wait to see them during April’l program! Come on out to the meeting and vote for your favourite!

See you at the meeting,

By | April 7th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message March

Hi Everybody!

March is finally here and spring is on it’s way! So many things are happening with our club this month, so make sure to mark your calendars.  Our monthly meeting will be Thursday, March 12th. Ken Boorman will be speaking on rainbowfish, one of my favourite types of fish. Ken has been keeping and breeding many species of rainbowfish for many years and is quite an expert on them.

Spring auction season is here and H&DAS is happy to hold the first event of the season! Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21st – that’s the date of our Spring Show and Auction. The event will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 551, 79 Hamilton St North, Waterdown, Ontario. Registration for the show and auction begin at 8am, the auction starts at 10am. Show and auction forms can be found on the H&DAS website ( or can be picked up at the March meeting. Don’t forget to enter your fish in the show! I know our members have prize winning fish, so let’s prove it! Tell your friends and be sure to come out, some of the best locally bred fish and plants will be available.

See you all soon,

By | March 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message February

February is the shortest month of the year – there are a lot of events coming up and only a few more weeks to get ready. For the February meeting (Thursday, the 12th) we will be having Peter DeSouza speaking on Killifish. He has been keeping and breeding these fish for many years and has some of the most beautiful specimens of this group of fish.

Have you got a tank that you’re proud of? I’m sure others would appreciate seeing your tank! April’s program will be our Home Show, so get your tanks ready to show off and sign up! You’ll get the opportunity to share with others the pleasure you get from your tank.

Speaking of March; it’s time to get ready for our Spring Auction and Annual Show, Saturday March 21st. Get your fish ready to show off and enter in the show – take a chance and possibly win a prize. I know our members have prizewinning fish… let’s prove it!

See you soon,

By | February 8th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message January

Happy New Year and welcome to 2015!

Our December holiday meeting was a great success, we had fun and games while raising donations for Neighbour-to-Neighbour Food Bank. Thanks to our members who came out and participated, your donations helped those in need. Special thanks to Noel, for organizing the game for us, and to Sarah, for running the gift raffle table. Albert was kind enough to take the money raised from the raffle table and a truckload of food donations to Neighbour-to-Neighbour for us.

Our January speaker will be our very own Jessica Bullock. She will be speaking on dwarf cichlids, fascinating gems that they are.

See you st the meeting,

By | February 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

President’s Message December

It’s December and the holiday season is upon us. It’s a time to get together with family and friends to share good cheer. With the season being so busy, our meeting will be one week early this month. Please join us December 4th at 7:30pm as the church has an event on our regular night.

Our December meeting will be our Holiday program. Thus time of year our club has a food drive for the Neighbour-to-Neighbour Food Bank. We’re asking members to bring nonperishable food items as well as gifts items for our gift raffle table. All proceeds will go to Neighbour-to-Neighbour.

For members we will have pizza and wings as well as a game or two. If anyone wants to bring a dessert to share, please feel free to do so. I’m sure it will be a fun night for all, and we hope to raise even more for Neighbour-to-Neighbour than last year.

The club will also be gathering at King’s Buffet the following Thursday, December 11th at 7pm. The restaurant is located at 200 Centennial Parkway North, just South of Barton. Come on out to celebrate the holidays with your fish friends!

See you at the meeting,

By | February 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|