President’s Messages

/President's Messages

President’s Message December

Happy Holidays Everyone
It’s been a very tough few years for everyone due to COVID and its restrictions. I miss seeing everyone and thank you who all who have come to visit me at the store. Due to restrictions we still can not have in-person meetings and auctions due to venue restrictions.

I want to thank Rick Borstein for his amazing presentation on Livebearers for last month’s Zoom meeting. Thank you to James Holland from Big Al’s Hamilton for explaining the high phosphate issues in Hamilton tapwater and how to treat it.

This month we are going to have a laid back fish chit-chat Zoom Meeting. We can catch up with each other and talk about anything fish related. So mark it on your calendar on December 9th at 7:30pm, grab yourself a nice beverage and join us. An email will be sent out or if you want to join in you can email us at

Last Call!
If you would like to join the H&DAS executive, all positions are open. If there are multiple nominations or requests for a position a vote will take place. If you would like to join or nominate someone please email or

Please support our sponsors The Tropical Fishroom and Big Al’s Hamilton this Holiday Season. It’s been hard to get items because so much is on back order. Due to shipping issues it might be hard to get products, so stock up where you can. It might be a bumpy ride in the new year.

New Sponsor in the New Year!
I have been in contact with Global Pets on Fennel and Upper Gage. They will be giving 10% off the entire store. They do have a small aquatic drygoods section. It’s this Global location only. I will be notifying you when it’s ok to use your membership discount , so please don’t try now until I give the go-ahead.

If your membership has expired March 2020 and later, your membership is still valid and can be used for the discounts. If you would like to join H&DAS. Go to our website at Click on the link.
Our Band App is still up and going. So please use it to sell your equipment and fish. Rumor has it Facebook is going to be more strict on what you post in the new year.

President wants to Know?
Thank you for everyone who participated in all the President wants to Know polls on our Facebook page. I hope you enjoy them. If you have an idea of a poll you can email me at

Wishing Everyone a safe and Happy Holidays.
Mike Majer

By | December 5th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message November

Happy Fall everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well after eating all those Halloween candies.
We will be not having any in-person meetings or auctions at this time. Our halls have restrictions that we have to follow.
I would like to thank Ken Boorman for an amazing presention during our October Zoom meeting. Ken spoke to us on Rainbowfish species from his native country of Australia .

Zoom Meeting
On Nov 11th at 7:30pm,we have a Rick Borstein re-joining us. Rick will be presenting us with a new program on Livebearers he has made. If you were at our last Zoom Meeting with Rick and you enjoyed it like I did, you will like this one.

Nominations for the H&DAS Executive are now open. If you would like to run for any position or nominate someone for an H&DAS Executive seat, please email me at Ballots are now open till end of our meeting in December.

Band App
Our group on the Band app has been getting a lot of posts lately which is amazing. On here you can buy and sell your fish or equipment, since the is no selling of livestock permitted on Facebook. Click here to join our Band group:

Reminder to visit our sponsors The Tropical Fishroom and Big Al’s Hamilton. Support our sponsors.
The membership discount is only for those with memberships valid as of March 2020. Memberships that expired previous to this date will not be honored. The membership card/virtual card must be presented by the membership holder at time of purchase in order to receive the discount. Membership cards may not be shared with friends/family.
Please show respect to our sponsor by honoring the terms of their discount.

The Canadian Association of Aquarium Club website is up and running. Visit

I hope we can meet in person soon. Please stay safe.
Mike Majer

By | November 6th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message October

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well.

We will be not having any in-person meetings or auctions at this time. Our halls have restrictions that we have to follow.

I would like thank Jim Cumming for an interesting presentation on Cichlids in your backyard, even in Winnipeg!

For the month of October, on Oct 14th at 7:30pm, we have Ken Boorman.
Ken is originally from Australia, but is now living in Chatham. Ken has kept fish since before I was born.; for over 50 years he has been in the hobby. Ken has dedicated exclusively to collect, keep and breed Australian and New Guinean native fishes in his fishroom. Ken has been a member of the Australian New Guinea Fishes Association for many years and is currently the North American President for that group. Ken is also the current president of the Chatham Aquarium Society. This will be one you don’t want to miss!

We just finished our goverment elections,  it’s time for ours!

I’d like to announce that Elections for H&DAS Executive is now opened. If you would like to run for any position or nominate someone for an H&DAS Executive seat, please email me at Ballots are now opened till end of our meeting in December.
We are looking for someone to fill in for our Breeder awards program. Charlie Drew has stepped down from this position. We would like to Thank Charlie for his dedication and service with H&DAS.

Reminder to visit our sponsors The Tropical Fishroom and Big Al’s Hamilton. Support our sponsors.

The membership discounts is only for those with memberships valid as of March 2020. Memberships that expired previous to this date will not be honored. The membership card/virtual card must be presented by the membership holder at time of purchase in order to receive the discount. Membership cards may not be shared with friends/family.

Please show respect to our sponsor by honoring the terms of their discount.

Thank you
Mike Majer

By | October 8th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message September

Hi Everybody

We hope everyone is having a good summer!

Due to COVID restrictions, we still will not be having in-person monthly meetings. The Church has declined rentals of their hall at this time, they will keep us posted.
So saying that, we will be starting up our monthly Zoom meetings!

Jim Cummings from Winnipeg is set to speak on Thursday, Sept 9th at 7:30pm. He will be speaking about his outdoor cichlid pond.

The Fall auction is unfortunately cancelled due to COVID and restrictions at the Legion.


Our Sponsor stores are still open!

The Tropical Fishroom
The largest aquarium fish store in Brantford. massive selection of salt water and fresh water fish. Various dry goods and equipment.
Located at 177A Blossom Ave, Brantford .
(519) 756-6225.

Big Al’s Hamilton
Hamiltons One Stop Pet Shop!
Serving Hamilton & surrounding area since 1985 for all your fishy needs!
Located at 140 Centennial Pkwy N, Hamilton
(905) 560-1000


If you’d like to join or renew your membership visit us at . We have an electronic version membership that you can keep on your phone or print it out. By joining you get these privileges. Receive 10% Off at Tropical Fish Room in Brantford and all aquatic stuff at Big Als Hamilton.

The Canadian Association of Aquarium Club website is up and running. Visit

Please stay safe!
Mike Majer

By | September 8th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message June

Hi Everyone!

Summer is almost here. I hope everyone is doing ok. I know this has been a very tough year for everyone. I hope this settles down soon so we can get back to normal meetings and our auctions.

This is our last Zoom Meeting for few months as we have our Summer Break.

I’d like to thank Mo Devlin for an amazing presentation last month. He showed us some amazing pictures and how-to secrets that he uses. On June 10th at 7:30pm we have the privilege of having Don Danko as our guest speaker. Don, who is well known across the border, will be talking to us about Jewels of the Rio Coatzacoalcos, Mexico; collecting wild cichlids.

Our Band App is up again, now the government has suspended the stay at home act. We recommend that you do porch pick-ups for your transactions or meet outdoors. Please be safe.

Pond Season is here! Enjoy your backyard with a pond or a water feature.
You know you don’t have to put only goldfish or koi in your barrels. You can put other species like guppies, swordtails, rainbows etc. Visit our Sponsors for your pond supplies.


Tropical Fishroom, you can call 519-756-6225 or Facebook message them to place your order .

Big Als Hamilton. You can call 905-560-1000. Follow the message prompts to you find the right department. There phone lines might be busy so keep trying or visit the website to place your order at

Finatics Aquarium- Please call them at 905-565-1232 to place your curbside pick up.


If you’d like to join or you can renew your membership by visit us at . We have an electronic version membership that you can keep on your phone or print it out. By joining you get these privileges. Receive 10% Off at Tropical Fish Room in Brantford and all aquatic stuff at Big Als Hamilton.

The Canadian Association of Aquarium Club website is up and running. Visit

I’d like to thank my executive team members for all their help to make this year virtual with getting amazing speakers on our Zoom Meetings. We had some great speakers join us. To all those speakers , Thank you for taking time and entertaining us on those nights.

To everyone who supports Hamilton & District Aquarium Society, Thank you for your support.

Enjoy your summer.

Please stay safe!
Mike Majer

By | June 5th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message May

Hi Everyone! Happy Spring!

I hope everyone is staying safe! We will be continuing our monthly meetings Via Zoom. Last month we had our members’ Show & Tell. Really nice set ups!

This Month on May 13th at 7:30pm we have the privilege of having Mo Devlin as our guest speaker. Most of us have undoubtedly seen Mo’s fantastic aquarium photography.  Mo will be presenting ‘Smile, Fish’, an overview on taking photos of tropical fish.

Due to Ontario’s current stay-at-home order, we are suspending the approval of all sales posts in our Facebook and Band groups. Only posts from our sponsors who are staying open with curbside pick-up will be allowed! Public health and safety come first, and we do not wish to implicitly encourage gatherings through private sales at this time.
Hobbyist sales posts will be allowed once the stay at home order has been lifted.

Pond Season is here! Enjoy your backyard with a pond or a barrel!
You know you don’t have to put only goldfish or koi in your barrels. You can put other species like guppies, swordtails, rainbows etc. Visit our sponsors for your pond supplies.


The Tropical Fishroom, you can call 519-756-6225 or Facebook message them to place your order .

Big Al’s Hamilton. You can call 905-560-1000. Follow the message prompts to you find the right department. Their phone lines might be busy so keep trying or visit the website to place your order at

Finatics Aquarium- Please call them at 905-565-1232 to arrange your curbside pick-up.


If you’d like to join or renew your membership by visit us at . We have an electronic version membership that you can keep on your phone or print it out. By joining you get the bonus of receiving 10% Off at The Tropical Fish Room in Brantford and all aquatic stuff at Big Al’s Hamilton. All new memberships and those valid as of March 2020 will remain on hold  until we resume meetings in person, when expiry dates will be rolled forward.

The Canadian Association of Aquarium Club website is up and running. Visit

Please stay safe!
Mike Majer

By | May 5th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message March

Hope everyone is doing well.

We are still not going to be having our in-person meetings or live auctions due to this nasty pandemic.

I would like to thank Randy Seufert for our February Presentation on Catfish on our Zoom Meeting!

This month we have Shane Linder! Shane may be familiar to you as the author behind Shane’s World on PlanetCatfish. He will be speaking to us on March 11th at 7:30pm. He will be talking to us on Collecting in Uganda.  If you are a paid member, an email we be sent out for your invitation.

Our April Zoom Meeting will be a member Show & Tell! Share your fishroom or favourite aquarium and let us know what you’ve been up to!

If you are not a member you may try a meeting before joining. Contact for more info.


You can join or renew your memberships by following this link You will receive an electronic version of our membership.


Our Band App is up and running again. You can buy and sell your fish or equipment. Click here to join our Band App page.

We are Opened!

Our Amazing Sponsors Tropical Fish Room and Big Al’s Hamilton are now opened! They will have a limited capacity of customers to enter their stores. Please support them and follow the rules for visiting their establishments.


Canadian Association of Aquarium Club  website is up and running. Visit

Please stay safe!

Mike Majer

By | March 6th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message February

Hello Everyone

This Pandemic – it just wont go away. We are still not going to have our in-person monthly meetings or our shows/auctions .

Our monthly meetings will still be taking place online via Zoom.

Due to computer issues, there will not be a bulletin for this month.

I’d like to thank Rick Borstein for an amazing presentation of “Sixty Tips in 60 Minutes”. We all learned some neat tricks from it, I bet some of us have used some already!

This month Randy Seufert will be our guest zoom speaker. Randy’s program is “The Little Catfish”. Randy is from New Boston, New York has been guest speaker for H&DAS in the past. This should be an amazing presentation that you don’t want to miss. Paid members will get an email invite for the presentation. If you are not a paid member, you can request an invite by email to . Due to the stay at home rule, there will be no prizes given out. Dont worry, when this is lifted will be having amazing prizes.


If you’d like to join or renew your membership  visit us at . We have an electronic version of the membership card that you can keep on your phone or print it out. By joining you get these privileges. Receive 10% Off at Tropical Fish Room in Brantford and all aquatic stuff at Big Als Hamilton.

Sponsors Spotlight

Due to this pandemic, our amazing sponsors are only opened for curbside pick up only.

Big Als Hamilton- You can make online orders at or you can call them at 905-560-1000.

Tropical Fish Room- You can call them at 1-519-765-6225. You can find and follow them on Facebook at .

Everyone please stay safe!


Mike Majer, President

By | February 3rd, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message January

Happy New Years Everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe Holiday Season. This Pandemic is like having the worst case of Ick in your aquarium. It just wont go away. We are still not going to have our in-person monthly meetings or our shows/auctions .

Our monthly meetings will still be taking place online via Zoom.

I’d like to thank Frank Aguirre for an amazing presentation last month on Breeding Angel Fish. This month on January 14th, our Special Guest is Rick Borstein from Chicago. He will be giving us a talk on “60 tips in 60 mins” . There will be some DIY tips that you might not of think of.

2021-2022 Executive

Our Elections are over and I am happy to say there are no changes to our Executive:

President Mike Majer
1st Vice President Steve Fyfe
2nd Vice President Rob Chatelain
Treasurer Margaret Dent
Recording Secretary Patricia MacDougall
Past President Carla MacDonald  

Neighbour to Neighbour

We Like to Thank everyone who donated towards or N2N fundraiser. Right now with this pandemic, it’s very tough for everyone. Especially for families that need our help.

Curbside Pick Ups

With the restrictions that the Ontario Government has given us, our main sponsors have to operate their businesses by Curbside Pick-Up.

Big Als Hamilton – You can go to their website at www.bigalshamilton,ca to place your orders or give them a call at 905-560-1000. The phone lines might be busy, so please keep on trying.

 Tropical Fish Room – You can give Jerry a call at 519-756-6225 for your aquatic needs.

New Members

If you would like to join H&DAS, you might want to visit our website at  www.hdas,ca .

 Just want to ask everyone, to please be safe!


Mike Majer


By | January 7th, 2021|Categories: President's Messages|

President’s Message November

Hello Everyone
We hope everyone is being safe! This pandemic has taken this hobby into another level. As you all know we have been doing monthly Zoom meetings these past few months with some amazing speakers!


By | November 2nd, 2020|Categories: President's Messages|