President’s Message January
Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope everyone had an amazing Holiday Season.
I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to our Christmas Party and helped us raise $1472 for Neighbor to Neighbor!
To Noel Nathaniel, a special thank you for organizing another fun game on Kahoot! It was nice to hear everyone laughing and enjoying themselves.
This month we have our own Larry Johnson speaking to us on Adventures in Malawi. Larry was there recently and went diving for cichlids with his guests. Larry does take amazing underwater pictures that we will for sure see. The meeting is on Thursday January 12th at 7:30pm at the Church of Resurrection 435 Mohawk Rd W. In the basement in the hall room.
I just want to thank again our wonderful sponsors:
The Tropical Fishroom
Big Als Hamilton
Finest Pets
Planted Aquaria
Rainforest Pets and Reptiles.
Just make sure all members show your up-to-date membership cards to get your discounts.
This is my final Presidents Message. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me and H&DAS. To my fellow executives, thank you! I might not be president but I will still be around to help out when needed.
Hamilton and District Aquarium Society will be holding an Election For President, 1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice-President at the January Meeting.
The Nominees are..
For President:
Carla MacDonald
Quinn Purser
1st Vice:
Jessica Bullock
Tamera Peattie
2nd Vice:
David Walpac
James Holland
Voters must be up-to-date paid members to be eligible to vote.
Everyone will receive an email in a few days with a list of all the Candidates and little information about them. If you can’t make it to the meeting to vote, you can vote by email. Voting ballots will be available at the meeting, too.
The Election will be monitored by the Steering Committee:
1st-Peter DeSouza
2nd-Margaret Dent
3rd-Mike Majer
I’d like to wish all the candidates good luck!
For the last time
President Mike Majer
Signing Off